盧嵐新 (Lu Lan-Hsin)

16 9 月, 2024by Kasashima Editor0

盧嵐新 (Lu Lan-Hsin)

16 9 月, 2024 by Kasashima Editor0




  1. UMT美國管理科技大學博士
  2. 山東中醫藥大學博士生
  3. 全植薆經典美容館創辦人



  1. 2024年,《Vueling Onboart Exhibition》西班牙伏林航空機上藝術展。
  2. 2024年,義大利國際文化藝術交流晝畫菁英邀請展。
  3. 2024年,菊島聚繪-2024 台灣水墨畫會會員聯展( 澎湖)。
  4. 2024年,台北市中國畫學研究會《晝畫藝綻》菁英會員卓越聯展。
  5. 2024年,金門縣警察局文藝走廊展。


“The Colorful Dance of Heaven and Earth(天地間的繽紛之舞)”
Lu Lan-Hsin(盧嵐新)
Acrylic on Linen(壓克力亞麻畫)
27 x 22 cm



The creative concept conveyed in “The Colorful Dance of Heaven and Earth” is about the wonderful realm of freedom and boundlessness. In this artwork, I empty my mind and allow the thoughts of my subconscious and the natural beauty of the world to flow through my brush, just like a dancer gracefully moving through the mountains and rivers.

As an artist, I hope that viewers can experience a sense of tranquility, freedom, and the flow of creativity through this piece. I want them to feel a connection with the universe and the marvelous sensation of merging with nature. I aim to help them discover the infinite possibilities within themselves and inspire them to pursue the dreams and desires deep within their hearts.






更多”盧嵐新”的相關新聞:台、日新聞 | 中國大陸新聞外文新聞


The photos and paintings on this website are protected by copyright and may not be used in any manner without the written authorization of the copyright owner.


Kasashima Editor

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