吳欐櫻 (Wu Li-Ying)

2024 年 9 月 16 日by Kasashima Editor0

吳欐櫻 (Wu Li-Ying)

2024 年 9 月 16 日 by Kasashima Editor0





玄奘大學藝術設計學院 碩士



  1. 台北市中國畫學研究會 理事長
  2. 台北市立動物園「動保藝術大使」
  3. 中華國際書畫藝術家聯盟 創會會長
  4. 吳欐櫻書畫藝術館 執行長

“Prosperous Peonies(富貴牡丹)”
Wu Li-Ying(吳欐櫻)
Ink and Colour on Paper (水墨設色紙本)
68 x 132 cm


“Prosperous Peonies” is a Chinese brush painting by Taiwanese artist Wu Li-Ying. The blooming peonies in the painting represent the beauty and joy of life; the layers of petals stretch like light, colorful clouds, setting off the elegant green leaves, giving the composition It has the beauty of rhythm.

Peony has been a symbol of wealth and prosperity since ancient times and is known as the “King of Flowers.” In ancient poetry and artistic creation, peonies are often used to praise the beauty of the prosperous times and the world’s beauty. In “Court Ladies Wearing Flowered Headdresses,” created by Zhou Fang, a literati of the Tang Dynasty, ladies wear peonies, which reveals that peonies have connotations of grace, luxury, and elegance in ancient China.

The artist uses the technique of freehand brush work in Chinese brush painting to show the unique momentum and characteristics of traditional Chinese painting. Through the blooming peonies, he conveys the Chinese deep yearning for wealth, luck and a better life for thousands of years. When the audience appreciates the works, they will understand Chinese art and its cultural connotations.







更多”吳欐櫻”相關新聞:中文與日文新聞 | 外文新聞


The photos and paintings on this website are protected by copyright and may not be used in any manner without the written authorization of the copyright owner.



  • 伏林航空機上藝術展 (Vueling Onboart Exhibition)
伏林航空機上藝術展 (Vueling Onboart Exhibition)




“Crags, Ravines, and Great Falls(巖壑懸流)”
Wu Li-Ying(吳欐櫻)
Ink and Colour on Paper (水墨設色紙本)
70 x 140 cm

Kasashima Editor

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